Friday 15 April 2016

L'hommet, son évolution, les jardins suspendus de Babylone et le pont de Monet...

Un point commun à tous ces thèmes ?
Ce seront les sujets des dictées de la semaine prochaine : merci Claire, Elliot, Evelien et  Loïc !

Voici donc quelques vidéos en rapport avec ces derniers

  • Les jardins suspendus de Babylone

  • D'où vient l'homme ?

  • Le pont de Monet

Marble Run

Today was the deadline for the Marble Run competition launched before the Easter Break. A wonderful activity involving all sorts of valuable skills including planning, design and evaluation. Three of the CE2 class took part and handed in their designs to the MPR where Mr Boit and his team will check and assess the entries. Lots went beyond the boundaries of the competition criteria but all entries have been accepted and will be on display in the near future. Fantastic efforts from Riona, Evelien and Lucas. Good luck!! 

Sports Day 2016

No doubt there will be a plethora of photos across various media of today's Sports Day. The kids certainly looked as though were having a great time. Big thanks to Mr Milner and Mr Boit for the meticulous organisation as usual. And thanks to the parents who came along to support. It was nice to have you there. 

Here are a few shots taken with my phone. I'm sure there are much better out there.

Wednesday 13 April 2016


It was looking like we might have been lucky with the weather when we left school at around 0900 this morning; the sun was shining and the clouds seemed to have cleared.  Upon arriving at Erziping carpark, it was beginning to cloud over, but the rain held off for the 25 minute walk to the pond...

Shortly after arrival however, the Heavens opened, and that was pretty much it for the next 90 minutes. Heavy rain. It didn't stop the kids from getting outside and searching for our baby amphibious friends though. There weren't as many as previous years but we did at least manage to find tadpoles at three or four different stages of their life cycles. 

Unfortunately, everything got so wet that we were unable to record any of the findings. Some of the kids got wet through and cold, and so to the disappointment of some but the joy of others, we walked back to the buses early and were back at school in time for lunch. 

Could I take this opportunity to strongly urge you to buy a waterproof coat at least, preferably trousers too, which will keep your child dry. The chances of rain at Camp Taiwan are very high and your child will not have fun if he or she is wet and cold. A cape is not suitable, neither one of the 7-11 yellow or blue pieces of plastic. They will not keep a child dry for longer than 5 minutes and being that all the activities at Camp are outdoor, it is imperative that the children stay dry and warm.