Tuesday 7 June 2016

Pandora's Box

Please find below the link to the CE2's version of Pandora's Box for your watching pleasure. You can view in Drive or download and share with anybody that you think might like to watch it. 

Andria is uploading videos of all performances on to Facebook so keep an eye out for those.

Thanks to Mr Chantebout for producing and sharing the video for us!

Monday 6 June 2016

End of the year

Hard to believe the year has finished already, but it has. I hope you enjoyed the show on Wednesday, especially the CE2's performance. We are really proud of them as getting on stage in front of 100+ people and performing is no easy task! They did brilliantly well and enjoyed the whole process I think! Thanks to Romain for the good idea and thanks to all the kids for getting so involved! They were still making suggestions on Tuesday as to how we could add more to the performance!

In case you are not a French Section FB follower, 

This term was largely taken up with preparation for the show. We started by reading and analysing Greek myths in English. Florian has of course been reading myths in French all year, which is where the interest originally  came from. The kids created a comic strip of Pandora's Box after we chose it for our performance. Choosing the characters was easy and everybody was happy with their roles. They made the Miseries as half sized models of me like they made half size models of themselves earlier in the year. The chorus made their masks, the Gods and Goddesses made their hats and the bed sheets were cut up (thanks Novotel) and belts measured and cut too.  The box was painted and decorated, and the French subtitles were collaboratively worked on using Google Docs.  

Everybody learnt their lines very quickly and then worked on speaking clearly with expression, before recording them onto the digital microphone. 

In the meantime, we continued to work on mathematical problems in maths, using the four operations, as well as techniques for division and long multiplication. 

In science the children were looking at the living world and learning about life processes, the life cycle of frogs, flowering plants, and food chains. 

It's been a great year in CE2 this year and I will miss them all next year! Thanks for all your efforts and support over the year and thanks to Yveline and Elisa for their roles as class parent representatives. Thanks also for the coffee machine, it's very kind of you all and much appreciated..! This year I spent approximately nt$ 18,600 on coffee at Lutetia.. so it will save me a few extra dollars next year too!! 

Below the photos are some links to some spelling and reading lists that you might wish your child to look at over the long summer break. There is also another link to my favourite holiday homework website from the National Trust in England... Get outside, limit those hours in front of screens, have fun. I wish you all the best for a wonderful, fun filled holiday, and that the kids come back fresh and eager for CM1.